The: Tyndale Bible
Exodus 20:1-17
And God spake all these wordes ad saide: I am the Lorde thy God, which haue brought the out of the londe of Egipte ad out of the house of bondage.
And God spake all these wordes ad saide: I am the Lorde thy God, which haue brought the out of the londe of Egipte ad out of the house of bondage.
- Thou shalt haue none other goddes in my syght.
- Thou shalt make the no grauen ymage, nether any symilitude that is in heauen aboue, ether in the erth beneth, or in the water that ys beneth the erth. Se that thou nether bowe thy sylf vnto them nether serue them: for I the Lorde thy God, am a gelouse God, and viset the synne of the fathers vppon the childern vnto the third and fourth generacion of the that hate me: and yet shewe mercie vnto thousandes amonge them that loue me and kepe my commaundmentes.
- Thou shalt not take the name of the Lorde thy God in vayne, for the Lord wil not holde him giltlesse that taketh his name in vayne.
- Remebre the Sabbath daye that thou sanctifie it. Sixe dayes mayst thou laboure ad do al that thou hast to doo: but the seuenth daye is the Sabbath of the Lorde thy God, in it thou shalt do no maner worke: nether thou nor thy sonne, nor thy doughter, nether thy manservaunte nor thy maydeservaunte, nether thy catell nether yet the straunger that is within thi gates
For in sixe dayes the Lorde made both heauen and erth and the see and all that in them is and rested the seuenth daye: wherfore the Lorde blessed the Sabbath daye and halowed it. - Honoure thy father ad thy mother, that thy dayes may be loge in the lode which the Lorde thy God geueth the.
- Thou shalt not kyll.
- Thou shalt not breake wedlocke.
- Thou shalt not steale.
- Thou shalt bere no false witnesse agest thy neghboure
- Thou shalt not couet thy neghbours housse: nether shalt couet thy neghbours wife, his maservaunte, his mayde, his oxe, his asse or oughte that is his.
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Known details
William Tyndale
When William Tyndale could not receive support in England to translate the Bible into English, he went to Germany, never to return. Here he dodged Roman Catholic authorities. In 1525, he started printing his New Testament in Cologne. When he was betrayed, he fled to Worms and continued his work. The first completed New Testament in English appeared early in 1526(?). When copies reached England, any that could be found by authorities were burned at St. Paul's Cross.After losing money, copies, and time in a shipwreck, he started over again. Having completed the Pentateuch, he began printing it in Antwerp in 1530. In the following year, he translated Jonah and revised Genesis. In 1534 and 1535, he made revisions to the New Testament.
He was kidnapped by Antwerp authorities and imprisoned. On orders of papal authorities, requests for his release were denied. In 1536, he was executed at the stake. He did not complete the translation of the Old Testament.
The Old Testament (Pentateuch only) version being used was published by Southern Illinois University Press in 1967. "Being a verbatim reprint of the edition of M.CCCCC.XXX [1530]. Compared with Tyndale's Genesis of 1534, and the Pentateuch in the Vulgate, Luther, and Matthew's Bible, with various collations and prolegomena." [Prolegomena: a treatise serving as a preface or introduction to a book. (The Random House Dictionary of the English Language. Page 1547.)]
The language and spelling of the day have been retained.
Yale University Press (1989)
[University of Texas at Arlington Library, Arlington, Texas] (Pentateuch)
[Dallas Public Library, Dallas, Texas] (New Covenant)