The: Living Bible Version
Exodus 20:1-17

Then God issued this edict: "I am Jehovah your God who liberated you from your slavery in Egypt"
  1. You may worship no other god than me
  2. You shall not make yourselves any idols: no images of animals, birds, or fish. You must never bow or worship it in any way; for I, the Lord your God, am very possessive. I will not share your affection with any other god! "And when I punish people for their sins, the punishment continues upon the children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren of those who hate me; but I lavish my love upon thousands of those who love me and obey my commandments
  3. You shall not use the name of Jehovah your God irreverently, nor use it to swear to a falsehood. You will not escape punishment if you do
  4. Remember to observe the Sabbath as a holy day. 9. Six days a week are for your daily duties and your regular work, but the seventh day is a day of Sabbath rest before the Lord your God. On that day you are to do no work of any kind, nor shall your son, daughter, or slaves– whether men or women– or your cattle or your house guests. For in six days the Lord made the heaven, earth, and sea, and everything in them, and rested the seventh day; so he blessed the Sabbath day and set it aside for rest
  5. Honor your father and mother, that you may have a long, good life in the land the Lord your God will give you
  6. You must not murder
  7. You must not commit adultery
  8. You must not steal
  9. You must not lie
  10. You must not be envious of your neighbor’s house, or want to sleep with his wife, or want to own his slaves, oxen, donkeys, or anything else he has
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A paraphrase is the restatement of an author's thoughts, using different words. The purpose of this version is for it to say as exactly as possible what the writers of the Scriptures meant, and to say it simply, expanding where necessary for clear understanding by the modern reader. There is a danger in paraphrasing that the translator, though honest, may give the English reader something that the original writer did not mean to say. When the Greek or the Hebrew is not clear, the theology of the translator and his sense of logic are his guides. The theological guide in this version has been a rigid evangelical position.

This version has undergone several manuscript revisions. It has also been under the scrutiny of a team of Greek and Hebrew experts to check the content and of English critics to check for style. Thus, this edition is tentative.

It is a compilation of previous paraphrases by Tyndale: Living Letters (1962), Living Prophecies (1965), Living Gospels (1966), Living Psalms and Proverbs (1967), Living Lessons of Life and Love (1968), Living Books of Moses (1969), and Living History of Israel (1970).